Turkey Bowling and Thanksgiving Activities
Gina Lamb, Phillips Co.
Prevention participated in the 21st Annual Turkey Bowling Family Fun Night sponsored by the Phillips County Coalition for Healthy Choices, including Turkey BINGO hosted by MHS Jobs for Montana Graduates (JMG) and Turkey Windsock crafting tables provided by Milk River Beef Builders 4-H Club. Let’s Face It bags filled with ParentingMT information and “Turkey” themed activity sheets to bring families together during the Thanksgiving Holiday, were given to participants after they competed to win a frozen turkey.
This year’s Malta Merchant’s Christmas Stroll included EMCMHC’s Malta Office as a stop, where participants were offered samples of Holiday Mocktails and encouraged to do the same when hosting parties/gatherings in the next few months. Prevention Specialist Gina Lamb also took this opportunity to introduce the Hidden in Plain Sight room that will be presented in January 2025. Walk participants played “I Spy”, seeking out items that could be used to stash substances and/or alcohol. Interests peaked!